Burnham-on-Sea Weather

 Latitude N 51° 13' 49"    Longitude W 02° 58' 59"    Elevation 33 ft

Records began on 07 February 2020. Here are the month-by-month extremes recorded since then.

Records for the month of January

Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature 37.4 °C at 15:02 on 19 July 2021
Lowest Temperature 8.9 °C at 05:44 on 14 July 2024
Highest Dew Point 20.8 °C at 11:06 on 19 July 2021
Lowest Dew Point -0.6 °C at 18:19 on 30 July 2020
Highest Apparent Temperature 39.3 °C at 15:02 on 19 July 2021
Lowest Apparent Temperature 8.5 °C at 05:29 on 06 July 2024
Highest "Feels Like" Temperature 39.7 °C at 15:02 on 19 July 2021
Lowest "Feels Like" Temperature 8.9 °C at 05:44 on 14 July 2024
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature 8.9 °C at 05:44 on 14 July 2024
Highest Heat Index 38.1 °C at 15:02 on 19 July 2021
Highest Minimum 19.3 °C at 23:55 on 19 July 2022
Lowest Maximum 15.8 °C at 11:58 on 04 July 2023
Highest Humidity 99 % at 15:49 on 14 July 2023
Lowest Humidity 11 % at 17:55 on 30 July 2020
Highest Daily Range 22.3 °C on 30 July 2020
Lowest Daily Range 3.6 °C on 30 July 2023
Highest Rain Rate 2.64 in/hr at 15:05 on 27 July 2021
Highest Hourly Rainfall 0.57 in at 20:15 on 03 July 2021
Highest Daily Rainfall 0.93 in on 03 July 2021
Highest Monthly Rainfall 5.52 in July 2023
Longest Dry Period 19 days to 21 July 2022
Longest Wet Period 12 days to 19 July 2023
Highest Wind Gust 22 mph at 08:52 on 30 July 2021
Highest Wind Speed Average 8 mph at 07:40 on 30 July 2021
Highest Daily Wind Run 95.7 miles on 06 July 2020
Lowest Pressure (sl) 995.1 mb at 03:33 on 06 July 2021
Highest Pressure (sl) 1034.7 mb at 08:50 on 08 July 2022

© 2024, Burnham-on-Sea Weather.   Page updated 27/07/2024 08:50:01
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