Burnham-on-Sea Weather

 Latitude N 51° 13' 49"    Longitude W 02° 58' 59"    Elevation 33 ft

Dawn: 04:49 Sunrise: 05:30 day / night chartDay/Night Chart Moonrise: 23:32 Moon PhaseVisible 61%
Dusk: 21:47 Sunset:  21:06 Moonset: 13:28
Daylight: 16:58 Day length: 15:35 Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Welcome to Burnham-on-Sea on the Severn Estuary, Somerset, UK.

The weather station in use is a Ecowitt HP2551, and these pages are updated every 10 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight. The weather station has been in use for 1632 days since records began on 07 February 2020.

12-24 Hour Forecast:

Station Forecast: Fairly fine, showers likely Cumulus Top Sites UK - WEATHER STATION TOPSITES - UK

Conditions at local time 05:12
Twilight and Cool, Calm, Temperature Falling Slowly, Barometer Steady.

Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 10.0 °C Dew Point 9.1 °C
Windchill 9.9 °C Humidity 95%
Heat Index 9.9 °C Apparent Temperature 9.8 °C
"Feels Like" 9.9 °C
Rainfall Today 0.00 in Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall Last Hour 0.00 in Last rainfall 2024-07-25 15:27
Rainfall This Month 2.45 in Rainfall This Year 23.25 in
Wind Speed (gust) 0 mph Wind Speed (avg) 0 mph
Wind Bearing 0° - Beaufort F0 Calm
Barometer  1013.0 mb Rising slowly 0.1 mb/hr
Solar Radiation 0 W/m² UV Radiation 0.0
Sunshine today 0.0 hrs Evapotranspiration today 0.000 in
Air Quality
Current Reading 11.0 µg/m³ Average Reading 4.3 µg/m³
Air Quality Index 1.9 µg/m³ Average Air Quality Index 1.4 µg/m³
Lightning Strikes Today 0
Distance of last strike 12.4 miles Time of last strike 05:15PM on Sunday, July 07, 2024

Near Realtime Data (last 12hrs plotted every 60 seconds). To Zoom, click and drag across an area.

Forecast next 48 hours Current Temperature        Cloud Base
27 Jul 2024
28 Jul 2024
29 Jul 2024
30 Jul 2024
31 Jul 2024
UV Forecast   5.2   Medium  5.9   Medium  6.3   High  6.3   High  6.0   High    None

This graph presents the tidal information for Burnham-on-Sea. Data is available for six days ahead.
Adverse weather conditions are not factored into these predictions. Tidal current direction changes and tide high and low time predictions can vary significantly. Tidal predictions can be wrong so please use common sense. Do not use these predictions for any important nautical application and refer to the official data.

Contains ADMIRALTY® tidal data:
© Crown Copyright and database right.

Flag Counter

Met Office WOW site              Weather Underground Site               Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)              Weathercloud site             AWEKAS site

© 2024, Burnham-on-Sea Weather.   Page updated 27/07/2024 05:10:01
Powered by Cumulus MX v4.1.2 (4027) using cumuluswebtags.php (v1.63 - 13th May 2024)
Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet.
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